SUiCiDE BOMBERS are back, sleazier than ever, and this time… it’s All For The Candy!
Four years after their critically acclaimed “Murder Couture” album, SUiCiDE BOMBERS are back with what might very well be their best record yet! Operating within the sleazier depths of the Hard Rock spectrum, the band’s 5th effort keeps pushing the envelope of their distinctive approach.
Mixed by Trond Holter (Wig Wam) and mastered by Maria Maxwell; “All For The Candy” is a lethal dose of start-to-finish sonic perfection. The album deals with all the different “candy” that inhabits the band’s universe; Sex, Drugs & Rock’n’Roll… did we mention sex? The intro sets the stage purrfectly with girls from around the world saying the album title in their native tongue, before the pre-album single “Dynamite Playboys” kick off proceedings.“Tonight Belongs To Us'' allegedly tells a story of true love, while “Out Of Love” comes with spectator-to-a-heartbreak lyrics.
The album launch single and title track; “All for The Candy,” kicks off side B… and that’s just the tip of the iceberg, as far as this record is concerned. The album ends with the 7min16sec epic “Where Time Always Goes,” featuring Geir Bratland (Dimmu Borgir, Apoptygma Berzerk) on piano and orchestration, and shows the band venturing into uncharted territory, before their trademark outro, which has been given a French makeover for the occasion. Since their formation in 2009 SUiCiDE BOMBERS have toured extensively, done more music videos than most and now have 5 records under their belts, each one to better reception than the one before it.
Chris Damien Doll - The Sleaze Fuhrer (Lead Vocals & Rhythm Guitar)
Stevie Teaze - The Sex Toy (Lead Guitar & Backing Vocals)
C. Slim - The Thunder Mechanic (Bass & Backing Vocals)
Lyle Starr - The Beat Commando (Drums)
If you like SUiCiDE BOMBERS, you’ll LOVE All For The Candy!
If you don’t like SUiCiDE BOMBERS, you might very well love this regardless.
It really is that good!
Astroturf er en eksplosiv rockekvintett fra Bergen som utfolder seg gjennom catchy melodier, girl power og brennende heite gitarsoloer.
Etter oppstarten i 2022 har de gitt ut tre singler, gått til topps i den internasjonale bandkonkurransen Europavox i Clermont-Ferrand (Frankrike) og startet opp sitt eget, miljøvennlige merch-prosjekt. Bandet har den siste tiden jobbet med å ferdigstille sitt første album som slippes i løpet av året, men er nå tilbake på livefronten igjen med et høyenergisk rockeshow man ikke vil gå glipp av. Du kan forvente en god miks mellom hard rock og deilig, catchy pop der det du hører er det du ser.